In California, if you are harmed in an accident resulting from the negligence of another driver, you have the option of seeking compensation for your medical bills and related losses by filing a claim to recover compensation from the other driver’s insurance.
However, you may understandably wonder what your options are if you’re involved in a hit-and-run accident. How can you file a claim to collect from the insurance of the driver who caused your accident if you don’t know who they are?
It’s wise to enlist the help of a hit-and-run lawyer in these circumstances. There are various ways a hit-and-run accident attorney may be able to identify a driver who caused an accident and fled the scene shortly after. They include the following:
It can be difficult to calm yourself after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. Such a traumatic experience naturally has the potential to leave you frightened and disoriented.
That said, if you ever are involved in a collision, to as much of a degree as possible, you should attempt to focus on key details that can prove useful later when you’re seeking compensation for your medical bills and other losses that may have resulted from your accident.
For example, you should try to take note of any qualities that could potentially be used to identify the other driver or drivers involved in the collision. This may include the type of vehicle they are operating, its color, and even its license plate number.
The more information you can share with the police and your attorney, the easier it will be for them to determine who may be responsible for causing your accident.
It’s also very important to get the names and contact information of witnesses at the scene of your accident. You’re not the only one who might have noticed critical details that could be useful in identifying a negligent motorist. If you have the contact information of witnesses, your attorney and the police may wish to get in touch with them when conducting an investigation.
Although unlikely, there is a possibility that the witnesses you speak with will have taken pictures or videos of your accident or its immediate aftermath. You can easily understand how such evidence could prove extremely useful.
Depending on where your accident occurred, nearby security cameras might have also captured footage of it. A lawyer and the cops may consider this possibility if acquiring security camera footage seems to be a viable option when attempting to identify the person who caused your accident.
All that said, it’s true that in some cases, it is simply not possible to determine the identity of someone who fled the scene of an accident they caused. Regardless, you should still hire a lawyer after being injured in a hit-and-run. You may be able to recover compensation through your own insurance. A lawyer will help you negotiate an appropriate settlement.
At the Law Offices of John B. Richards, we understand that a hit-and-run can be an immensely disruptive experience. Luckily, with help from a dedicated Santa Barbara hit-and-run attorney, you may be able to at least receive financial compensation for losses resulting from this experience. Get started today by contacting us online or calling us at 805-683-2736.